How to recruit staff quickly and effectively?
How to recruit staff quickly and effectively? – Quickly recruiting staff
Recruitment is the process of selecting suitable candidates to fill in the vacant positions. Because people are the decisive factor of any business, especially the key positions of the company, without them, the operation of the business will be greatly affected. Therefore, businesses need to develop a standardized recruitment process to ensure that they can find the most suitable candidate for the position to be recruited.

“Is recruitment service really beneficial for businesses?
Compared to using the recruitment process of the enterprise, what is the difference between the recruitment service?”
These are probably the questions that any business asks when they have just heard of this type of service, so let Tan Vang Human Resources help you answer them in this article!
What is the golden key to being able to find the right candidate – enough?
If your business is a newly established business, or is a business with an unstable number of employees, the following 5 ways will help you improve the recruitment process.
1. Make full use of all benefits from social networking sites
In the current technology era, the vast majority of people of all ages use social networking sites such as Google, Facebook, Zalo, Instagram, etc., so employers will have easier access to employees. Posts and recruitment information of enterprises are also easily known to more people through groups. However, to really be more widely known and target the right audience you want, businesses can choose a paid advertising solution.
In addition, businesses can also choose to pay a fee to post job ads on high-traffic job search websites such as Cho Tot Jobs, TopCV, Indeed, Vietnam Works, Career Builder,… to find jobs. get more applicants.

2. Recruiting personnel through the introduction of internal employees of the enterprise
Is the job suitable, the working environment or the company’s compensation system is good or not is probably the first common question of almost every candidate. People often have the habit of consulting relatives, friends or colleagues… about the business and its vacancies, even looking at reviews to learn about that business.
And based on the network system of human-to-human relationships, recruitment information will be transmitted like a kind of news in daily life. But on the contrary, this method also has limitations, for example, the enterprise cannot control the accuracy of the information transmitted, does not learn about the candidate before the interview, etc.
3. Strengthening the structure of the recruitment process
You must really understand the quality of the business’s working environment, whether the current salary policies are really reasonable and attractive to employees. Also, make sure you’re following a professional recruiting process:
Clearly define the requirements for the position
Complete and detailed preparation of the job description
Find the right candidate
Interview to exchange and re-determine the candidate’s suitability
Evaluation of candidates and hiring decisions
Introduce new personnel to the departments/positions applied for.
The biggest flaw of this method is that it takes a lot of money and time if the candidate is not suitable, or the working environment factors, the nature of the job is not suitable, causing the employee to quit the job. This will lead to unstable operation of the business, lack of workers and unfinished goods on time.

4. Ways to recruit offline: open a recruitment office; use banners, leaflets
You can also invest more to open an offline office, making it easy for workers near that area to apply and interview at any time. Currently, businesses are also applying the method of hanging banners about information and vacancies in front of the business gate, so that many people passing by the business can see and if there is a need, they will contact the recruiter. . Besides, you can also hire people to distribute leaflets at main roads with high density of mobile people, directly delivering job postings to reach more people.
Again and again, hiring a recruitment office costs a lot (space, equipment, staff, …) but does not necessarily bring the number of candidates as you expect. Or even hiring workers to distribute leaflets, costly printing and salary payments, but the probability of attracting candidates in need to apply is not too high.
5. Using recruitment services at human resources companies
And the last solution is also the solution used by many businesses today, that is hiring recruitment services at human resources companies.
Through the above article, we hope that readers can understand the current recruitment methods and make the most suitable and optimal choices for themselves. If you need more support about recruitment services in Ho Chi Minh City or other areas in the South, please contact us immediately via Hotline: 070 8888 979. Tan Vang